This week’s Inspired Business post is all about business cards with character. By now we all know the importance of a great card, but we specifically wanted to post today about giving that card personality! And nobody does this quite like Smock!
The card above {that we teamed up with Smock on} is clever, memorable and stylish. We love that the design library and embellishments commonly associated with Smock wedding invitations can also be used on business cards. For example, how gorgeous is the wallpaper on the back of the card above? And that font? So good!
We also love that you can use your own {press-ready} artwork on Smock business cards, as seen on the punchy cards Smock created for Altitude Summit {above}. This kind of freedom is golden when it comes to branding your business with the help of stationery!
And we love how all of the Smock business cards in this post give creative insight into each business. Based on the business card {by Smock} above, for example, we assume that Enchanted Tomorrow’s stands for quality {this is a beautiful letterpress business card, after all} and beauty {those flowers! that font!}. Likewise, the Altitude Summit card seems familiar and professional (it’s completely in line aesthetically, with the company’s web site), and also cheerful (that yellow!).
Finally, the lovely card we worked on with Smock and Kate Clyde’s Catered Creations not only evokes feelings of beauty and quality, but it also tells us that this company is likely very detail-oriented, and what business wouldn’t benefit from that first impression?
So, interested in Smock business cards with character? Stop by either our Charlotte or Triangle location to learn more and create the business card perfect for your company. We can’t wait to see you and show you all of the options!